Minggu, 08 Desember 2013


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(M.Rasyad, SDN Cenlecen 2, Pakong Pamekasan Madura)


No…….......Nama: …………...............................………………...

Latihan 1.
Buatlah kalimat negatif (-) dan kalimat tanya (?)!
Lihatlah dulu adakah kata kerja 15 kawan not, kata kerja kawan do, does, did, dan 9 kata kerja munafik!

1.    He broke a glass. (+)
………………………………………………………....       (-)
……………………………………………………..…..       (?)
2.    They would go to school. (+)
………………………………………………………...        (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
3.    She brings a book. (+)
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
4.    You drink a cup of coffee. (+)
…………………………………………………….…...       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
5.    Sitti must study English. (+)
…………………………………………………………       (-)
………………………………………………………...        (?)
6.    Adi makes a kite. (+)
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
7.    Arman made a kite. (+)
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
8.    Adi and Ali make a kite. (+)
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
9.    Sartono is making a kite. (+)
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)

10. We can speak English. (+)

…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)

Kalimat negatif skornya 2
Kalimat tanya skornya 2
Skor perolehan    = ......... x 2 = ..........
Nilai = …….. / 40 x 100 = …….

No. ……........ Nama:…………….........................................……………..

Latihan 2.
Buatlah  kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya!
Lihatlah dulu adakah kata kerja 15 kawan not, kata kerja kawan do, does, did dan 9 kata kerja munafik!

1.     He did his work well.      
………………………………………………………....       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
2.     He did study English
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
3.     I have been there three times
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
4.     I have a book
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
5.     She has a book
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
6.     You had your lunch in a restaurant
…………………………………….…………………...       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
7.     You had eaten in a restaurant
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
8.     We do want bakso
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
9.     They did their home work
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
10.  They did do their home work
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
11.  Sitti does eat a banana
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
12.  Sitti does her work well
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
13.  Sitti did her work well
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
14.  Sitti and Ani do their work well
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
15.  He has to wash his dress
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
16.  He had to wash his dress
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
17.  We have to wash our dress
…………………………………………………………       (-)
………………………………….………………..……        (?)
18.  He has washed  his dress
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
19.  He had washed his dress
……………………………………………………..…                   (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
20.  They have washed their dress
………………………………………………………..                   (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
21.  I am going to school
………………………………………………………..                   (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
22.  I went to school
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
23.  She speaks English
………………………………………………………..                   (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
24.  She can speak English
…………………………………………………………       (-)
……………………………........................................         (?)
25.  She spoke English
……………………………………………………..…                   (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
26.  This is a pen
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
27.  Aminah and Ani are students
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
28.  You would go to the market
…………………………………………………………       (-)
…………………………………………………………       (?)
29.  They must study English
………………………………………………………..                   (-)
……………………………………………………………...          (?)              
30.  We wrote some letters  
…………………………………………………………       (-)     
…………………………………………………………       (?)
31.  He writes a letter                                                  
……………………………………………………..…                   (-)     
…………………………………………..........…........        (?)    

Kalimat negatif skornya 2
Kalimat tanya skornya 2
Skor perolehan = ......... x 2 = ........
Nilai = .......... / 124 x 100 = .........

No. ……....….Nama: ………....................................…………………

Latihan 3. 
Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dan buatlah kalimat positifnya!

1.    Can he speak English?
Yes, ………………. No, ………………
Contoh: He can speak English.                                              (+)
2.  Ought they to look after their children?
      Yes, ……………….          No, ………………
      …………………………………………………...........       (+)
3.  Do we walk to school?
      Yes, ……………… No, ……………….
      …………………………………………………………       (+)
4.  Does he work in his office?
      Yes, ……………… No, ……………….
      …………………………………………………………       (+)
5.  Did he play pingpong?
      Yes, ……………… No, ……………….
      …………………………………………………………       (+)
6.  Did she go out?
      Yes, ……………… No, ……………….
      …………………………………………………………       (+)
7.  Have I written any letters?
      Yes, ……………… No, ……………….
      …………………………………………………………       (+)
8.  Has she already cut her hair?
      Yes, ……………… No, ……………….
      …………………………………………………………       (+)
9.  Does he have to work hard?
      Yes, ……………...  No, ………………..
      …………………………………………………………       (+)
10.    Did I see him yesterday?
      Yes, ……………… No, ………………..
      …………………………………………………………       (+)
11.    Have they just taken their car?                        
      Yes, ……………… No, ………………..         ......……………………………………………………….....         (+)
12.    Does he have his car repaired by his friend?         
      Yes, ……………… No, …………………             
      ………………………………………………………..…….          (+)    
13.    Did she have her lunch, in a restaurant?
      Yes, ……………… No, ………………..                                            
      ..…………………………………………………..…......... (+)
14.    Had she had her lunch, when I came?          
      Yes, ……………… No, ………………..               
      …..……………………………………………….....……..  (+)
15.    Do you do your home work well?          
Yes, ……………… No, ……………..         
      ……………………………………..................................   (+)
16.Did he do his best at school?          
Yes,…………….     No, ……………..
      …………………………………………………………..     (+)
17.Does Father do the sum correctly?
      Yes,…………                                                                   No, …………
      ……………………………………………………………   (+)

Yes,…..…jika benar skornya 1
No, …….Jika benar skornya 1
Kalimat positif jika benar skornya 2
Skor perolehan = (.......x 1) + (.......x 2) =......
Nilai = .... / 68 x 100 = ....….

No..........Nama: ………………..................................…………..

Latihan 4.
Jawablah pertanyaan ini!
Periksalah dulu kata apa yang ada di muka subyek itu!

1.    What do I like ?
……………………………...................  sate
2.    What does she eat ?
………………………………………….a banana.
3.    What did she bring ?
………………………………………….a book.
4.    What did we play ?
………………………………………… pingpong.
5.    What did they write ?
………………………………………… a letter.
6.    What does he make ?
…………………………………………. a kite.
7.    Where does Tono drink coffee ?
………………………………………… in the diningroom.
8.    When do I drink coffee ?
………………………………………...  in the afternoon.
9.    Where did they go to school ?
…………………………………….…..  the SDN Cenlecen 2.
10.    Where does Kusnadi eat an apple?
      ……………….………………………..  in the diningroom.
11. What are they making ?
  ……………….……………………….   a kite.
12. What is he washing ?
……………………………………….    a dress.
13. What have they broken?
………………………………………..   a glass.
14. What may you study ?
………………………………………… English.
15. Where was Sitti playing ?
………………………………………     in the yard.
16. What has he studied ?
…………………….…………………    Indonesian.
17. Where had she broken the glass ?
………………………………………...  in the diningroom.
18. What am I writing ?
……………….……………………….a letter.

Tiap soal jika benar skornya 2
Skor perolehan = .......... x 2 = ..........
Nilai = ……. / 36 x 100 = ..……

No. .............. Nama: ................................................................

Latihan 5.
Buatlah kalimat tanya dengan kata yang bergaris sebagai jawabannya!
Selidikilah dulu kata yang bergaris itu menyatakan apa!

1.  I break a cup. (sebuah cangkir/barang)    
2.  She comes early. (awal/cara)
3.  Birds fly high. (tinggi/cara)
4.  I lie on the bed. (di tempat tidur/tempat)
5.  Tono teaches English. (Tono/orang)
6.  The river flows to the sea. (laut/tempat)
7.  We read the newspaper yesterday. (kemaren/waktu)
8.  They wrote a letter. (mereka/orang)
9.  He sold a ruler. (sebuah/jumlah)               
10. Aisyah saw the film. (Aisyah/orang)
11.    We worked in the garden. (di kebun/tempat)
12.    The students studied English.(murid-murid/orang)
13.    Hecamehome at twelve. (jam 12/jam)
14.    I went to school at six. (pukul 6/jam)
15.    We bought an orange. (sebuah/jumlah)
16.    They spoke English fluently.(dg lancarnya/cara)           ..............................................................................
17.    Ali and Ani  have just taken their car. (orang)
18.    They have their car repaired by their friend. (teman mereka/orang)
19.    Aminah had her lunch in a restaurant. (orang)        
20.    She had had her lunch, when I came. (ketika saya datang kemaren/waktu)
21.    I do like sate very much. (sangat banyak/jumlah)
22.    Father does get up early. (awal/cara)             
23.    She did love you. (kamu/orang)                      
24.I do my home work well. (PRku/barang)                                                                                                        
25.Father does the sum correctly.(dengan betul/cara)
26.He did his best at school. (di sekolah/tempat)

Tiap soal jika benar skornya 2
Skor perolehan =.. x 2 = ........
Nilai  = …… / 52 x 100 = .........

No. …….....Nama: ………………….......................……………………

Latihan 6. Buatlah kalimat sesuai tenses tiap kolomnya!Pahamilah dulu pengertian tiap tenses lalu rumusnya!

1. Suatu perbuatan yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan.
(Present tense/Simple present tense)
2.Suatu perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat bicara (sekarang).
(Present continuous tense)
3. Suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan di masa lampau dan tak ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang.
(Past tense)
4. Suatu perbuatan yang akan dilakukan di masa yang akan  datang
(Present future tense)

Kata kerja asal atau kata kerja asal yang mendapat tambahan s/es

(am; is; are) + kata kerja asal + ing

Kata kerja bentuk lampau (kata kerja bentuk ke 2)

(am; is; are) + going to + kata kerja asal
a. They drink milk.
b. He drinks milk.
a. They are drinking milk.
b. He is drinking milk.
a. They drank milk.
b. He drank milk.
a. They are going to drink milk.
b. He is going to drink milk.
1. I play in the yard.
2. ……………………..……
3. ...…………....……........
4. ..…………………….......
5. My Father reads a book.
6. ......…………...…….......
7. ..…………………........
8. ..…………………….......
9. They go to Jakarta.
10. .……………...........
1.     ……….…………….............
2. You are doing the exercise
3. ..…………………………......
4. …..…………………….........
5. ……...………………….......
6. The cat is eating the meat.
8. ..…………………………....
10.We are buying an umbrella                        
1.     ..……….…....................
2.     ..……….…....................
3.     The bird flew high.
4.     ..……….....................
5.     ……..………………......
6.     ………..………………...
7.     The little girl sang.
8.     …………..……………...
9.     ……………..………......
10. ………………..………...
1.    .....……….........................
2.    ....……………........……
3.    ..………………….........
4.    He is going to write a letter
5.    …………..........................
6.    …………..........................
7.    …………..........................
8.    Sitti is going to buy a book.
9. ………..…………......…….
Pasangan subyek dengan to be:
I am            They are             He is                    Sitti is                   Father is                        Tiap soal skornya 4
We are       Some books are She is        Tono is                a banana is                   Skor perolehan = .......... x 4 = .........
You are      Ali and Adi are    It is (The cat is, The river is,dll.(binatang, benda))   Nilai = ....... /120 x 100 = ........

No. ....……Nama: …………………………………............……….

Latihan 7. Buatlah kalimat sesuai tenses tiap kolomnya! Pahamilah dulu pengertian tiap tenses lalu rumusnya!

5.Pada waktu sekarang perbuatan telah sempurna (baru saja selesai) dilakukan.
(Present perfect tense)
6. Perbuatan yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih terus berlangsung sampai sekarang.
(Present perfect continuous tense)
7. Suatu perbuatan yang dimulai atau terjadi di masa lampau dan terus berlangsung ataupun  selesai di masa lampau berikutnya.
(Past perfect tense)
8. Pada waktu lampau suatu perbuatan sedang berlangsung ketika suatu perbuatan lain terjadi.
(Past continuous tense)

(have; has) + kata kerja bentuk ke 3

(have; has) + been + kata kerja asal + ing

had + kata kerja bentuk ke 3

(was; were) + kata kerja asal + ing

a. They have worked hard.
b. He has worked hard.

a. They have been working hard.
b. He has been working hard.

a. They had worked hard.
b. He had worked hard.

a.They were working hard,when I came.
b. He was working hard, when I came.
1.  I have played in the yard.
2.   …………………..........
3.   ……………….…….....
4.  ……………………......
5.My Father has read somebooks.
1.   ………………............
2.  …………………….........
3.  …………………………..
4.  They have gone to Jakarta.
2. You have been doing the exercise.
3.   ………………....…………..
4.   .…………...……………….
5.   ...………….....…………….
6. The cat has been eating the meat.
7.   .....…………..……..…….
8.   .....…………..…….....…….
9.   ........…………………….
10.She has been reading somebooks.
1.   ........…………………...
2.   ........………..…………
3.   ........…………..………
4. They had lived in that house.
5.   ........…………..………
6.   ........……………..……
7.   ........………..…………
8.He had broken some glasses.
9.   ........……..……………
10. ………..…………..…..
1.    ..…….…............................
2.    ............................................
3.   The bird was flying,when I played.
4.    .........…….........................
5.     .................………….…….
6.   ............................………….
7.They were singing,when I came.
8.    ....................………....
9. ...................…….……….
 10.   .................……………….
am dan is bentuk lampaunya was                        subyek I, he, she, dan it tobe nya was                 have dipakai oleh subyek I, you, we, dan they  
are bentuk lampaunya were                      subyek you, we, dan they tobe nya were                        has dipakai oleh subyek he, she, dan it                                 
had dipakai oleh semua subyek I, you, we, they, he, she, dan it

Tiap soal skornya 4              
Skor perolehan = ......... x 4 = .........               
Nilai = .......... / 120 x 100 = .............

No......Nama: ……………………..............................……   

Latihan 8.
Betulkan kata-kata yang ada di dalam kurung sehingga sesuai dengan keterangan waktunya !
Ingatlah macam tensesnya,dapat kamu ketahui dari keterangan waktunya!

1.   I (go) to the market last week. (pas. t. karena ada keterangan waktu: last week)
2.   Yuda and Yudi (look) at the picture now. (p.c.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: now)
3.   Father (read) a newspaper next Sunday. (p.f.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: next Sunday)
4.   Father (drink) coffee when I came. (pas. c. t. karena ada keterangan waktu: When I came)
5.   Father (drink) coffee everyday. (p.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: everyday)
6.   Father (drink) coffee tomorrow. (p.f.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: tomorrow)
7.   Father (drink) coffee yesterday. (pas. t. karena ada keterangan waktu: yesterday)
8.   She (write) some letters already. (p.per.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: already)
9.   I (live) in Pamekasan since 2010. (p.per.c.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: since 2010)
 10.I (live) in this house since I bought it two years ago. (pas. per.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: sinceI bought it two years ago)

Singkatan:   p     = present (waktu sekarang)
                       t       = tense (bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan waktu)
                       c      = continuous (sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang)
                       f      = future (yang akan datang)
                       per = perfect (telah sempurna dilakukan)  
                       pas         = past (waktu lampau)

Memberi nama tenses skornya 1
Menyusun kalimat skornya 4
Jadi tiap soal skornya 1 + 4 = 5
Skor perolehan = (......... x 1) + (.......... x 4) = .............
Nilai = …….. / 50 x 100 = ………….                                            

No......……. Nama: ……….................................………………….

Latihan 9
Buatlah kalimat pasif dengan menyempurnakan kata-kata yang ada di dalam kurung!
Ingatlah rumus kalimat pasif dan rumus tiap-tiap tenses!
Setiap kalimat pasif pasti ada to be nya dan to be itu harus sesuai dengan macam tensesnya (lihat halaman 14).

1. That book (sell) everyday. (p.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: everyday)
2.  Those books (sell) now. (p.c.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: now)
3.  This book (sell) next week. (p.f.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: next week)
4.  That book (sell) already. (p.per.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: already)
5.  Those books (sell) since last week.(pas.per.c.t. karena ada keterangan waktu: since last week
6. That book (sell) last week. (pas. t. karena ada keterangan waktu: last week)
7.  The bird (catch) by his father now. (p.c.t)
8. Her dress (wear) since last Sunday. (pas.per.c.t)
9.  His hair (cut) next month. (p.f.t)
10.    Their books (bring) to school already. (p.per.t)
11.    The black board (clean) everyday. (p.t)
12.    His money (leave) at home yesterday. (pas. t)

Singkatan:   p     = present (waktu sekarang)
                       t       = tense (bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan waktu)
                       c      = continuous (sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang)
                       f      = future (yang akan datang)
                       per = perfect (telah sempurna dilakukan)  
                       pas         = past (waktu lampau)

Tiap soal skornya 4
Skor perolehan = .......... x 4 = ...........
Nilai = ……. / 48 x 100= ……….

No. ........ Nama: ……...............................……………………

Latihan 10                              
Ubahlah kalimat aktif ini menjadi kalimat pasif sesuai tensesnya!
Ingatlah rumus kalimat pasif dan rumus tiap-tiap tenses!
Setiap kalimat pasif pasti ada to be nya dan to be itu harus sesuai dengan macam tensesnya (lihat halaman 14).

1.  She doesn’t make a kite. (p.t. karena ada does dan kata kerja asal: make)
2.  The boy doesn’t write some letters. (p;.t)
3.  Does she write some letters ? (p.t)
4.  Mother cooks us some cakes.(p.t.karena ada kata kerja asal yg mendapt tambahan s)
      ………………………………………………………………….    .
5.  a. +  Mother buys Rita some books. (p.t)
+  ………………………………………………………….       .
      b. -  Mother doesn’t buy Rita some books. (p.t)
         -  …………………………………………………………..       .
      c. ?  Does mother buy Rita some books ? (p.t)
         ? ………………………………………………………......?
6.  They ate some apples. (pas. t. karena ada kata kerja bentuk lampau: ate)
      ………………………………………………………………….    .
7.  She is writing many letters. (p.c.t. karena ada to be dan kata kerja asal + ing)       
………………………………………………………………….    .
8.    She isn’t reading a book. (p.c.t)
9.    Is father eating some apples ? (p.c.t)
10.Mother was buying some books.(pas.c.t.karena ada to be bentuk lampau dan buying)
11.    She has written a letter. (p.per.t. karena ada has dan kata kerja bentuk ke 3:written)
12. I had not called him. (pas.per.t. karena ada had dan kata kerja bentuk ke 3:called)
      ………………………………………………………………….    .
13.    Had I called him ? (pas.per.t)
14.    Didn’t he buy new books for me ? (pas.t. karena ada did)
15.    She ordered him to buy a book. (pas.t. karena ada kata kerja bentuk ke 2: ordered)
      ………………………………………………………………….    .

Singkatan:   p     = present (waktu sekarang)
                       t       = tense (bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan waktu)
                       c      = continuous (sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang)
                       f      = future (yang akan datang)
                       per = perfect (telah sempurna dilakukan)  
                       pas         = past (waktu lampau)

Tiap soal skornya 4
Skor perolehan    = .......... x 4 = ..........          
Nilai                        = …… / 60 x 100 = ……

No. .....…….. Nama: ……………..........................…………….

Latihan 11
Namai dulu tensesnya lalu ubahlah kalimat pasifini menjadi kalimataktif sesuai tensesnya!
Ingatlah rumus tiap-tiap tenses. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa macam tenses dalam kalimat pasif dapat dilihat dari bentuk to be nya atau dari keterangan waktunya!
                   nama tensesnya
1. Some apples are eaten by them in the room. (..p.t...) karena ada to be: are
2.  The kites are being made by the students now. (….................)
3. A kite is made by me.                         (………………..)
4.  Some letters are written by the boy. (………………..)
5.  Is a kite made by him ?                       (………………..)
6.  Is a banana eaten by Rita ?               (………………..)
7.  A book is given to Rita by me.           (……………..…)
8.  + He is called by Mari in the room.    (………………..)
      + ……………………………………
      -  He isn’t called by Mari in the room.         (………………..)
      -  ……………………………………
      ? Is he called by Mari in the room ?  (………………..) 
      ? …………………………………….?
9.  The window was opened by her.      (………………..)
10.    I am being called by Johan.          (………………..)
11.    Some money is being given to me by mother.(………………..)
12.    Is mother being helped by you ?  (………………..)
13.    My mother was being helped by me.     (……….……….)

Singkatan:   p     = present (waktu sekarang)
                       t       = tense (bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan waktu)
                       c      = continuous (sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang)
                       f      = future (yang akan datang)
                       per = perfect (telah sempurna dilakukan)  
                       pas         = past (waktu lampau)

Memberi nama tenses skornya 1
Menyusun kalimat skornya 4
Tiap soal skornya = 1 + 4 = 5
Skor perolehan= (....... x 1) + (....... x 4) = .......
Nilai = ……. / 65 x 100 = ………


Latihan 1
Buatlah kalimat negatif (-) dan kalimat tanya (?)!
Lihatlah dulu adakah kata kerja 15 kawan not, kata kerja kawan do, does, did, dan 9 kata kerja munafik !

1.    He broke a glass. (+)
He did not break a glass (-)
Did he break a glass (?)
2.    They would go to school. (+)
They would not go to school (-)
Would they go to school (?)
3.    She brings a book. (+)
She does not bring a book. (-)
Does she bring a book. (?)
4.    You drink a cup of coffee. (+)
You do not drink a cup of coffee. (-)
Do you drink a cup of coffee. (?)
5.    Sitti must study English. (+)
Sitti must not study English. (-)
Must Sitti study English. (?)
6.    Adi makes a kite. (+)
Adi does not make a kite. (-)
Does Adi make a kite. (?)
7.    Arman made a kite. (+)
Arman did not make a kite. (-)
Did Arman make a kite. (?)
8.    Adi and Ali make a kite. (+)
Adi and Ali do not make a kite. (-)
Do Adi and Ali make a kite. (?)
9.    Sartono is making a kite. (+)
Sartono is not making a kite. (-)
Is Sartono making a kite. (?)
10.    We can speak English. (+)
We can not speak English. (-)
Can we speak English. (?)

Latihan 2.
Buatlah  kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya!
Lihatlah dulu adakah kata kerja 15 kawan not, kata kerja kawan do, does, did, dan 9 kata kerja munafik!

1.    He did his work well.      
He did not do his work well. (-)
Did he do his work well. (?)
2.    He did study English
He did not study English. (-)
Did he study English. (-)
3.    I have been there three times
I have not been there three times. (-)
Have I been there three times. (?)
4.    I havea book
I do not have a book. (-)
Do I have a book. (?)
5.    She has a book
She does not have a book. (-)
Does she have a book. (?)
6.    You had your lunch in a restaurant
You did not have your lunch in a restaurant. (-)
Did you have your lunch in a restaurant. (?)
7.    You had eaten in a restaurant
You had not eaten in a restaurant. (-)
Had you eaten in a restaurant. (?)
8.    We do want bakso
We do not want bakso. (-)
Do we want bakso. (?)
9.    They did their home work
They did not do their home work. (-)
Did they do their home work. (?)                        
10. They did do their home work
They did not do their home work. (-)
Did they do their home work. (?)
11. Sitti does eat a banana
Sitti does not eat a banana. (-)
Does Sitti eat a banana. (?)
12. Sitti does her work well
Sitti does not do her work well. (-)
Does Sitti do her work well. (?)
13. Sitti did her work well
Sitti did not do her work well. (-)
Did Sitti do her work well. (?)
14. Sitti and Ani do their work well
Sitti and Ani do not do their work well. (-)
Do Sitti and Ani do their work well. (?)
15. He has to wash his dress
He doesnot have to wash his dress.(-)
Does he have to wash his dress. (?)
16. He had to wash his dress
He did not have to wash his dress. (-)
Did he have to wash his dress. (?)
17. We have to wash our dress
We do not have to wash our dress. (-)
Do we have to wash our dress. (?)
18. He has washed  his dress
He has not washed his dress. (-)
Has he washed his dress. (?)
19. He had washed his dress
He had not washed his dress. (-)
Had he washed his dress. (?)
20. They have washed their dress
They have not washed their dress. (-)
Have they washed their dress. (?)
21. I am going to school
I am not going to school. (-)
Am I going to school. (?)
22. I went to school
I did not go to school. (-)
Did I go to school. (?)
23. She speaks English
She does not speak English. (-)
Does she speak English. (?)
24. She can speak English
She can not speak English. (-)
Can she speak English. (?)
25. She spoke English
She did not speak English. (-)
Did she speak English. (?)
26. This is a pen
This is not a pen. (-)
Is this a pen. (?)
27. Aminah and Ani are students
Aminah and Ani are not students. (-)
Are Aminah and Ani students. (?)
28. You would go to the market
You would not go to the market. (-)
Would you go to the market. (?)
29. They must study English
They must not study English. (-)
Must they study English. (?)
30. We wrote some letters
We did not write any letters. (-)
Did we write any letters. (?)
31. He writes a letter
He does not write a letter. (-)
Does he write a letter. (?)

Latihan 3. 
Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dan buatlah kalimat positifnya!

1.    Can he speak English?
Yes, he can            No, he can not
He can speak English. (+)
2.  Ought they to look after their children?
      Yes, they ought to.          No, they ought not to
      They ought to look after their children. (+)
3.  Do we walk to school?
      Yes, we do              No, we do not
      We walk to school. (+)
4.  Does he work in his office?
      Yes, he does           No, he does not
      He works in his office. (+)
5.  Did he play pingpong?
      Yes, he did              No, he did not
      He played pingpong. (+)
6.  Did she go out?
      Yes, she did           No, she did not
      She went out. (+)
7.  Have I written any letters?                                      
      Yes, you have        No, you have not
      I have written some letters. (+)
8.  Has she already cut her hair?
      Yes, she has           No, she has not
      She has already cut her hair. (+)
9.  Does he have to work hard?
      Yes, he does           No, he does not
      He has to work hard. (+)
10.    Did I see him yesterday?
      Yes, you did            No, you did not
      I saw him yesterday. (+)
11.    Have they just taken their car?
      Yes, they have.      No, they have not
      They have just taken their car. (+)
12.    Does he have his car repaired by his friend
      Yes, he does           No, he does not
      He has his car repaired by his friend. (+)
13.    Did she have her lunch in a restaurant?
      Yes, she did            No, she did not
      She had her lunch in a restaurant. (+)
14.    Had she had her lunch, when I came?          
      Yes, she had           No, she had not                    
      She had had her lunch, when I came. (+)          
15.    Do you do your home work well?
      Yes, I do                  No, I do not
      You do your home work well. (+)      
16.    Did he do his best at school?                         
      Yes, he did              No, he did not.                      
He did his best at school. (+)                               
17.Does Father do the sum correctly?
Yes, he does           No, he does not
Father does the sum correctly. (+)

Latihan 4.
Jawablah pertanyaan ini!
Periksalah dulu kata apa yang ada di muka subyek itu!

1.    What do I like ?
You like sate
2.    What does she eat ?
She eats a banana.
3.    What did she bring ?
She brought a book.
4.    What did we play ?
We played pingpong.
5.    What did they write ?
They wrote a letter.
6.    What does he make ?
He makes a kite.
7.    Where does Tono drink coffee ?
He drinks coffee in the diningroom.
8.    When do I drink coffee ?
You drink coffee in the afternoon.
9.    Where did they go to school ?
They went to the SDN Cenlecen 2.
10.    Where does Kusnadi eat an apple?
      He eats an apple in the diningroom.
11. What are they making ?
They are making a kite.
12.    What is he washing ?
He is washing his dress.
13. What have they broken?
They have broken a glass.
14. What may you study ?
I may study English.
15. Where was Sitti playing ?
She was playing in the yard.
16. What has he studied ?
He has studied Indonesian.
17. Where had she broken the glass ?
She had broken it in the diningroom.
18. What am I writing ?
You are writing a letter.

Latihan 5.
Buatlah kalimat tanya dengan kata yang bergaris sebagai jawabannya!
Selidikilah dulu kata yang bergaris itu menyatakan apa!

1.  I break a cup. (sebuah cangkir/barang)    
      What do you break?
2.  She comes early. (awal/cara)
      How does she come?
3.  Birds fly high. (tinggi/cara)
How do birds fly?
4.  I lie on the bed. (di tempat tidur/tempat)
      Where do you lie?
5.  Tono teaches English. (Tono/orang)
      Who teaches English?
6.  The river flows to the sea. (laut/tempat)
      Where does the river flow to?
7.  We read the newspaper yesterday. (kemaren/waktu)
When did we read the newspaper?
8.  They wrote a letter. (mereka/orang)
      Who wrote a letter?
9.  He sold a ruler. (sebuah/jumlah)
      How many rulers did he sell?
10. Aisyah saw the film. (Aisyah/orang)
      Who saw the film?
11.    We worked in the garden. (di kebun/tempat)
      Where did we work?
12.    The students studied English.(murid-murid/orang)
      Who studied English?
13.    He came home at twelve. (jam 12/jam)
      What time did he come home?
14.    I went to school at six. (pukul 6/jam)
      What time did you go to school?
15.    We bought anorange. (sebuah/jumlah)
      How many oranges did we buy?
16.    They spoke English fluently. (dg lancarnya/cara)
      How did they speak English?
17.    Ali and Ani  have just taken their car. (orang)
      Who have just taken their car?
18.    They have their car repaired by their friend. (teman mereka/orang)
      Who do they have their car repaired?
19.    Aminah had her lunch in a restaurant. (orang)
      Who had her lunch in a restaurant?
20.    She had had her lunch, when I came. (ketika saya datang kemaren/waktu)
      When had she had her lunch?
21.    I do like sate very much. (sangat banyak/cara)       
      How do you like sate?                                
22.    Father does get up early. (awal/cara)
      How does father get up?                            
23.    She did love you. (kamu/orang)
      Who did she love?
24.    I do my home work well. (PRku/barang)
What do you do well?
25.Father does the sum correctly.(dg betul/cara)
      How does father do the sum?
26.He did his best at school. (di sekolah/tempat)
Where did he do his best?

Latihan 6.
Buatlah kalimat sesuai tenses tiap kolomnya!Pahamilah dulu pengertian tenses tiap kolomnya lalu rumusnya!

1.  Suatu perbuatan yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan
(Present tense/Simple present tense)
2.  Suatu perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat bicara (sekarang)
(Present continuous tense)
3.   Suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan di masa lampau dan tak ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang.
(Past tense)
4.  Suatu perbuatan yang akan dilakukan di masa yang akan  datang
(Present future tense)

Kata kerja asal atau +s/es

(am; is; are) + kata kerja asal + ing

Kata kerja bentuk lampau (2)

(am; is; are) + going to + kata kerja asal
They drink milk
They are drinking milk.
They drank milk.
They are going to drink milk.
1. I play in the yard.
2. You do the exercise.
3. The bird fly high.
4. He writes a letter.
5. My Father reads a book.
6. The cat eats the meat.
7. The little girl sings.
8. Sitti buys a book.
9. They go to Jakarta.
10.We buy an umbrella.
1.           I am playing in the yard.
2. You are doing the exercise
3. The bird is flying high.
4. He is writing a letter. 
5. My father is reading a book.
6. The cat is eating the meat.
7. The little girl is singing.
8. Sitti is buying a book.
9. They are going to Jakarta.
10.We are buying an umbrella
1.  I played in the yard.
2.  You did the exercise.
3.   The bird flew high.
4.   He wrote a letter.
5.   My father read a book.
6.   The cat ate the meat.
7.   The little girl sang.
8.   Sitti bought a book.
9.   They went to Jakarta.
10.        We bought  an umbrella.
1.    I am going to play in the yard.
2.    You are going to do the exercise
3.    The bird is going to fly high.
4.    He is going to write a letter
5.    My father is going to read abook
6.    The cat is going to eat the meat.
7.    The little girl is going to sing.
8.    Sitti is going to buy a book.
9.    They are going to go to Jakarta.
10.We are going to buy an umbrella

Pasangan subyek dengan to be:
I am                      They are                       He is                              Sitti is                             Father is
You are                Ali and Adi are              She is                  Tono is                         a banana is
We are                 Some books are           It is (The cat is, The river is, dll.(binatang, benda))

Latihan 7.
Buatlah kalimat sesuai tenses tiap kolomnya!Pahamilah dulu pengertian tenses tiap kolomnya lalu rumusnya!

5. Pada waktu sekarang perbuatan telah sempurna (baru saja selesai) dilakukan.
(Present perfect tense)
6. Perbuatan yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih terus berlangsung sampai sekarang.
(Present perfect continuous tense)
7. Suatu perbuatan yang dimulai atau terjadi di masa lampau dan terus berlangsung ataupun  selesai di masa lampau berikutnya.
(Past perfect tense)
8. Pada waktu lampau suatu perbuatan sedang berlangsung ketika suatu perbuatan lain terjadi.
(Past continuous tense)

(have; has) + kata kerja bentuk ke 3

(have; has) + been + kata kerja asal + ing

had + kata kerja bentuk ke 3

(was; were) + kata kerja asal + ing

They have worked hard.
He has worked hard.

They have been working hard
He has been working hard.

They had worked hard.
He had worked hard.

They were working hard, when I came.
He was working hard, when I came
1.    I have played in the yard.
2.    You have done the exercise.
3.    The bird has flown.
4.    They have lived in that house.
5.My Father has read some books.
6.    The cat has eaten the meat.
7.    They have sung.
8.    He has broken some glasses.
9.    They have gone to Jakarta.
10  She has read some books.
1. I have been playing in the yard.
2. You have been doing the exercise
3. The bird has been flying.
4.They have been living in that house
5.My father has been readingsomebooks
6. The cat has been eating the meat
7. They have been singing.
8.He has been breaking some glasses.
9. They have been going to Jakarta.
10. She has been reading some books
1. I had played in the yard.
2. You had done the exercise.
3. The bird had flown.
4. They had lived in that house.
5.My father had read somebooks
6. The cat had eaten the meat.
7. They had sung.
8. He had broken some glasses.
9. They had gone to Jakarta.
10.She had read some books.
1.     I was playing in the yard, when
2.     You were doing the exercise, w
3.  The bird was flying,when I played 
4.     They were living in that house,
5. My father was reading some books
6.     The cat was eating the meat, w
7.     They were singing,when I came
8.     He was breaking some glasses,
9.     They were going to Jakarta, wh
10. She was reading some books,w

am dan is bentuk lampaunya was.  subyek I, he, she, dan it to be nya  was.      have dipakai oleh subyek I, you, we, dan they.
are bentuk lampaunya were.         subyek you, we, dan they to be nya  were.  has dipakai oleh subyek he, she, dan it.
                                                                                                had dipakai oleh semua subyek I, you, we, they, he, she, dan it.

Latihan 8.
Betulkan kata-kata yang ada di dalam kurung sehingga sesuai dengan keterangan waktunya !
Ingatlah macam tensesnya,dapat kamu ketahui dari keterangan waktunya!

1.    I (go) to the market last week. (pas.t.)
      I went to the market last week.
2.    Yuda and Yudi (look) at the picture now. (p.c.t.)
      Yuda and Yudi looking at the picture now.
3.    Father (read) a newspaper next Sunday. (p.f.t.)
      Father is going to read a newspaper next Sunday.
4.    Father (drink) coffee when I came. (pas.c. t.)
      Father was drinking coffee, when I came.
5.    Father (drink) coffee everyday. (p.t.)
      Father drinks coffee everyday.
6.    Father (drink) coffee tomorrow. (p.f.t.)
      Father is going to drink coffee tomorrow.
7.    Father (drink) coffee yesterday. (pas.t.)
      Father drank coffee yesterday.
8.    She (write) some letters already. (p.per.t)
      She has written some letters already.
9.    I (live) in Pamekasan since 2010. (p.per.c.t)
      I have been living in Pamekasan since 2010. (p.per.c.t)
10.    I (live) in this house since I bought it two years ago. (pas.per.t)
      I had lived in this house since I bought it two years ago.

Singkatan:   p     = present (waktu sekarang)
                       t       = tense (bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan waktu)
                       c      = continuous (sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang)
                       f      = future (yang akan datang)
                       per = perfect (telah sempurna dilakukan)  
                       pas         = past (waktu lampau)

Latihan 9
Buatlah kalimat pasif dengan menyempurnakan kata-kata yang ada di dalam kurung!
Ingatlah rumus kalimat pasif dan rumus tiap-tiap tenses!
Setiap kalimat pasif pasti ada to be nya dan to be itu harus sesuai dengan macam tensesnya (lihat halaman 14).

1.  That book (sell) everyday.
     That book is sold everyday.    
2.  Those books (sell) now.
     Those books are being sold now.
3.  This book (sell) next week.
     This book is going to be sold next week.
4. That book (sell) already.
That book has been sold already.
5. Those books (sell) since last week.
     Those books have been being sold since last week.
6. That book (sell) last week.
     That book was sold last week.
7. The bird (catch) by his father now.
     The bird is being caught by his father now.
8. Her dress (wear) since last Sunday.
     Her dress has been being worn since last Sunday.
9. His hair (cut) next month.
     His hair is going to be cut next month.
10.Their books (bring) to school already.
     Their books have been brought to school already.
11.The black board (clean) everyday.
     The black board is cleaned everyday.
12.    His money (leave) at home yesterday.
     His money was left at home yesterday.

Singkatan:   p     = present (waktu sekarang)
                       t       = tense (bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan waktu)
                       c      = continuous (sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang)
                       f      = future (yang akan datang)
                       per = perfect (telah sempurna dilakukan)  
                       pas         = past (waktu lampau)

Latihan 10                              
Ubahlah kalimat aktif ini menjadi kalimat pasif sesuai tensesnya!
Ingatlah rumus kalimat pasif dan rumus tiap-tiap tenses!
Setiap kalimat pasif pasti ada to be nya dan to be itu harus sesuai dengan macam tensesnya (lihat halaman 14).

1.  She doesn’t make a kite.
      A kite is not made by her.
2.  The boy doesn’t write some letters.
      Some letters are not written by the boy.
3.  Does she write some letters ?
      Are some letters written by her?
4.  Mother cooks us some cakes.
      Some cakes are cooked to us by mother.
5.  a.  +  Mother buys Rita some books.
+  some books are bought to Rita by mother.
      b. -  Mother doesn’t buy Rita some books.
         -  Some books are not bought to Rita by mother.
      c. ?  Does mother buy Rita some books ?
         ?  Are some books bought to Rita by mother?
6.  They ate some apples.
      Some apples were eaten by them.
7.  She is writing many letters.     
Many letters are being written by her.
8.    She isn’t reading a book.
A book is not being read by her.
9.    Is father eating some apples ?
Are some apples being eaten by father?
10. Mother was buying some books.
      Some books were being bought by mother.
11.    She has written a letter.
      A letter has been written by her.
12. I had not called him.
      He had not been called by me.
13.    Had I called him ?
      Had he been called by me?
14.    Didn’t he buy new books for me ?
      Were not new books bought for me?
15. She ordered him to buy a book. 
      He was ordered to buy a book.

Singkatan:   p     = present (waktu sekarang)
                       t       = tense (bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan waktu)
                       c      = continuous (sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang)
                       f      = future (yang akan datang)
                       per = perfect (telah sempurna dilakukan)  
                       pas         = past (waktu lampau)

Latihan 11
Namai dulu tensesnya lalu ubahlah kalimat pasifini menjadi kalimataktif sesuai tensesnya!
Ingatlah rumus tiap-tiap tenses. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa macam tenses dalam kalimat pasif dapat dilihat dari bentuk to be nya atau dari keterangan waktunya!

1. Some apples are eaten by them in the room. (p.t)
      They eat some apples in the room. 
2.  The kites are being made by the students now. (p.c.t)
      The students are making the kites now.
3. A kite is made by me. (p.t)
      I make a kite.
4.  Some letters are written by the boy. (p.t)
      The boy writes some letters.
5.  Is a kite made by him ? (p.t)
      Does he make a kite?
6.  Is a banana eaten by Rita ? (p.t)
      Does Rita eat a banana?
7.  A book is given to Rita by me. (p.t)
      I give Rita a book.
8.  + He is called by Mari in the room. (p.t)
      + Mari calls him in the room.
      -  He isn’t called by Mari in the room. (p.t)
      -  Mari does not call him in the room.
      ? Is he called by Mari in the room ? (p.t)   
      ? Does Mari call him in the room?
9.  The window was opened by her. (pas. t)
      She opened the window.
10.    I am being called by Johan. (p.c.t)
      Johan is calling me.
11.    Some money is being given to me by mother. (p.c.t)
      Mother is giving me some money.
12.    Is mother being helped by you ? (p.c.t)
      Are you helping mother?
13.    My mother was being helped by me. (pas.c.t)
      I was helping my mother.

Singkatan:   p     = present (waktu sekarang)
                       t       = tense (bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan waktu)
                       c      = continuous (sedang berlangsung di waktu sekarang)
                       f      = future (yang akan datang)
                       per = perfect (telah sempurna dilakukan)  
                       pas         = past (waktu lampau)